A Hasty Departure
I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye to you all, but there came upon me such a sudden and clear realization that it was time to go.
I have been seperated from my wife and queen for too long. You may have noticed her absence (until now) from this journal, and that stands as a testiment my own deep-seeded avoidence of a failed marriage.
In our salad days, there was hardly a moment spent apart. In the past few years, time with her consists of a glance from across a dusty street in Mousul or in Tudor, and even those are growing farther apart. The last time I saw her, two months ago, she didn't even recognize me. There are times when I think she's taken up with another man; it's a possibilty, she's still as beautiful today as the day I met her. I can't even remember how many men she had courting her when we were first dating, Hades, even when we were married there were still men vying for her attention. But she was faithful to me, then...and I believe now.
My problem was choosing the Ivory Tower over her. What a damned fool I was.
What has spurned on my leaving Legend was Ranmaru, albeit indirectly.
Let me explain. By the order of the Coven, I had been send on assignment a few weeks ago to patching things up with Ranmaru and Aryia. Apparently he didn't take too kindly to being cooked until crispy by his few-second-old wife. I don't blame him. My mission was pretty simple, reunite the lover's to their former selves. Well, it seemed simple at the time.
At first I tried the forward approach, confrontation, direct and to the point. I asked simply do you still love her? Ranmaru, was well...the old Ranmaru: a humble stammering samurai, never letting his responses pierce the veniere of humility for fear of embarassing you. It's an interesting quality, really. Talking with him is like a Dionysian release; you can never be embarrassed because he's perpetually embarrassed for you. But back on point. The direct approach didn't work. I didn't really expect it to but it's always easier to get the most expidiante option out of the way first. My next step proved more difficult, for myself that is, and eventually prompted my decision. The plan was to leave subtle reminders, little hints to draw out his memories like a timid rabbit out of its hole. That took time and too much involvment.
I had to remember again what it is that lovers do, dredge up memories of two young striplings, an apprentice mage and a young druidess. While I might have caused Ranmaru (and half of Legend) to remember a rivet and that time in London with Aryia, the whole bloody process brought me back to sneaking into Al-Amut and stealing polmagranits for Moiragwyn. When Ranmaru was reminded of how the leaves of a marigold matched perfectly Aryia's eyes, I was sucked back to a night in the Underhill with a blanket of yellow rose petals. Talk about turning the knife inside of me.
I was caught in my own trap. It wouldn't be the first time.
So I left everything and by now the landlords have tossed my belongings into the street. I don't care. I don't know where she's gone but my intention is to find her.
If I've set my wards correctly, I'll be returning at Miss Quickly's on May 3rd at 20:00 hours, exactly six months from the time of this posting. Whether I have my wife back with me is a matter up to the Fates. Maybe I should have consulted Orchid before I left, but then again, if it is bad news, I'd rather find out at the end of the journey rather than the beginning.
According to my calculations, it should be six months for your timeline, considering you all stay in one place but due to Legend's variable timelines who knows. I know I'll miss my friends dearly.
On the bright side, I have managed to connect the Hermetic Index to the "Interweb" so I won't be wholly out of contact and in fact plan to keep you all posted as to where these wards will take me...
As for the promise to the Coven, I think it's open to interpretation. Ranmaru has seemed less open to suggestion than previously thought, and countinuing pursuit of him, pushing and prodding him to take a chance seems hypocritical at best unless I myself do the same. Would you follow a sober Dionysus, a womanizing Jesus, a worldly Buddha? Then why should Ranmaru trust the advice from an old man who forsook his queen for the ivory tower? Let me be an example of what a good husband can do for once rather than sitting back and being the bad one that I have been. I'm willing to take the consequences if there are any in disagreement.
I have been seperated from my wife and queen for too long. You may have noticed her absence (until now) from this journal, and that stands as a testiment my own deep-seeded avoidence of a failed marriage.
In our salad days, there was hardly a moment spent apart. In the past few years, time with her consists of a glance from across a dusty street in Mousul or in Tudor, and even those are growing farther apart. The last time I saw her, two months ago, she didn't even recognize me. There are times when I think she's taken up with another man; it's a possibilty, she's still as beautiful today as the day I met her. I can't even remember how many men she had courting her when we were first dating, Hades, even when we were married there were still men vying for her attention. But she was faithful to me, then...and I believe now.
My problem was choosing the Ivory Tower over her. What a damned fool I was.
What has spurned on my leaving Legend was Ranmaru, albeit indirectly.
Let me explain. By the order of the Coven, I had been send on assignment a few weeks ago to patching things up with Ranmaru and Aryia. Apparently he didn't take too kindly to being cooked until crispy by his few-second-old wife. I don't blame him. My mission was pretty simple, reunite the lover's to their former selves. Well, it seemed simple at the time.
At first I tried the forward approach, confrontation, direct and to the point. I asked simply do you still love her? Ranmaru, was well...the old Ranmaru: a humble stammering samurai, never letting his responses pierce the veniere of humility for fear of embarassing you. It's an interesting quality, really. Talking with him is like a Dionysian release; you can never be embarrassed because he's perpetually embarrassed for you. But back on point. The direct approach didn't work. I didn't really expect it to but it's always easier to get the most expidiante option out of the way first. My next step proved more difficult, for myself that is, and eventually prompted my decision. The plan was to leave subtle reminders, little hints to draw out his memories like a timid rabbit out of its hole. That took time and too much involvment.
I had to remember again what it is that lovers do, dredge up memories of two young striplings, an apprentice mage and a young druidess. While I might have caused Ranmaru (and half of Legend) to remember a rivet and that time in London with Aryia, the whole bloody process brought me back to sneaking into Al-Amut and stealing polmagranits for Moiragwyn. When Ranmaru was reminded of how the leaves of a marigold matched perfectly Aryia's eyes, I was sucked back to a night in the Underhill with a blanket of yellow rose petals. Talk about turning the knife inside of me.
I was caught in my own trap. It wouldn't be the first time.
So I left everything and by now the landlords have tossed my belongings into the street. I don't care. I don't know where she's gone but my intention is to find her.
If I've set my wards correctly, I'll be returning at Miss Quickly's on May 3rd at 20:00 hours, exactly six months from the time of this posting. Whether I have my wife back with me is a matter up to the Fates. Maybe I should have consulted Orchid before I left, but then again, if it is bad news, I'd rather find out at the end of the journey rather than the beginning.
According to my calculations, it should be six months for your timeline, considering you all stay in one place but due to Legend's variable timelines who knows. I know I'll miss my friends dearly.
On the bright side, I have managed to connect the Hermetic Index to the "Interweb" so I won't be wholly out of contact and in fact plan to keep you all posted as to where these wards will take me...
As for the promise to the Coven, I think it's open to interpretation. Ranmaru has seemed less open to suggestion than previously thought, and countinuing pursuit of him, pushing and prodding him to take a chance seems hypocritical at best unless I myself do the same. Would you follow a sober Dionysus, a womanizing Jesus, a worldly Buddha? Then why should Ranmaru trust the advice from an old man who forsook his queen for the ivory tower? Let me be an example of what a good husband can do for once rather than sitting back and being the bad one that I have been. I'm willing to take the consequences if there are any in disagreement.
I...I am truly sorry.
Posted by
Ranmaru |
5:01 PM
*facepalm* It's not you, Ranmaru.
Posted by
Rowane de'Dannan |
5:26 PM
Good luck, old man.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:08 PM
Good god, this disease is worse than I thought.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:38 PM
It's not a disease Zillah.
And I'm with Malia, good luck you creepy old man.
Posted by
Nadia Ravenswick |
9:19 AM
Thank you, ladies.
And aren't you infected, Zillah? Don't tell me that undead heart pumps for no one.
Posted by
Rowane de'Dannan |
7:31 PM
Meh. It's hardly the same thing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:57 PM