Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back in the swing of things

First things first, thanks so much to everyone who helped reclothe me after that death trap leapt out in front of me. Hermes knows I hate when that happens. I want everyone to know that I'll try and keep a keener eye out for giant chasms filled with boiling blood.
Considering the amount of paper left on my body when I awoke, naked, on the banks of the Styx, you would think that I'd write down exactly who helped me when and in what way, but I think I was still horribly embarrassed. I mean, I'm on a first name basis with some of those demons down there. They know my name, they're always like, "Rowane, I can't wait to see you burning in the infernal hellfires!" or "Lucifer's going to have a blast picking you out of his teeth, Hermetic." You know, stuff like that.
Who knows how long I would have been stuck down there if it weren't for Nadia and Joel. A mistress, a lord of Hell, and a naked Hermetic, now that's a group. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that any hope of taking their daughter siteseeing in Tartarus has vanished like sulfur in the wind.
The Fates have an interesting sense of humor; as soon as that Nadia and Joel dropped me off at the Royal Stag, who should drop in but my wife. Of all the times...I swear, she hardly ever visits the realms anymore and the one time that she does. She worries after me, thinks that I can hardly walk down a street without assistance, so seeing me after hitting a death trap, moreorless confirms her suspicions that I should be locked in a padded room, which is no fun at all.
This whole thing did open up a few new adventures for me. Autumn led me through my very first successfull trip into the Moloch Temple. That was really fun. Now I'm all bronze
Thanks again for all the help. Know that I'm gratefull for all of my friends on Legend and I hope to make that abundently clear in the future.